Open Dei Task Force 1
Design Principles for Data Spaces – Position Paper
Data space experts team up to define for the first time cross-sectoral and across initiatives the fundamental design principles to build data spaces.

Creating the future data economy
The position paper underlines the importance of data spaces and though the sovereign sharing of data in creating the future data economy. It has been developed under the coordination and leadership of Task Force 1 lead by International Data Spaces Association of the Horizon 2020 project “OPEN DEI – Aligning Reference Architectures, Open Platforms and Large-Scale Pilots in Digitizing European Industry” with the collaboration of more than 40 data spaces and industrial domain experts representing more than 25 organizations from 13 Horizon 2020 projects and related initiatives.
This is the first approach to define the design principles for data spaces, agreements on the building blocks for a soft infrastructure and governance for data spaces.
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Chapter 1 | Fundamentals of Data Spaces
This chapter discusses the fundamentals of data spaces. It provides a definition of data spaces and a high-level architecture of data space for the mobility sector. The four design principles of data spaces to be built on are stablished and relevant regulations, typical use cases plus common challenges are outlined.
Chapter 2 | Building Blocks
Chapter 2 defines common building blocks of data spaces from multiple angles. This includes technical/technological, business, and organisational/operational building blocks.
Chapter 3 | Sector-Specific Data Spaces
Chapter 3 presents four (OPEN DEI) data spaces in manufacturing, health, energy, and agriculture to redefine sector-specific requirements.
Chapter 4 | Data Space Governance and Business Models
Chapter 4 discusses governance and business models for data spaces on a collaborative and individual level.
Chapter 5 | Action: We Call for a Moonshot
Chapter 5 outlines the roadmap for co-creating the soft infrastructure underlying European data spaces, based on two major phases: 1) convergence and 2) deployment.
Nagel L., Lycklama D. (2021): Design Principles for Data Spaces. Position Paper. Version 1.0. Berlin
About OPEN DEI Task Force 1
OPEN DEI Task Force 1 brings together experts from four domains and various data spaces initiatives to collaborate and define the design principles for data spaces implementation in a unified way. The OPEN DEI project is part of the Horizon 2020 program, which is the financial instrument of the European Commission implementing the Innovation Union, a Europe 2020 flagship initiative aimed at securing Europe’s global competitiveness. The OPEN DEI project is addressing four sectors through an ecosystem of 35 (and counting) Horizon 2020 actions.
Marko Turpeinen, CEO at 1001 Lakes
Antonio Kung, CEO at Trialog

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